Teotihuacan Cacao GeekUp Bits (40 pcs)

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Just as chocolate was an integral part of Mayan culture and commence, so too will these GeekUp bits become essential to your play of the game Teotihuacan! These two-sided bits feature additional artwork from the game's original artist, Odysseas Stamoglou, on one side and an engraving of the Mayan glyph for cacao on the other.

The pieces are made of a hard plastic, similar to Bakelite, and the graphics are applied via a 4-color heat transfer process, which fuses the images to the plastic in a way that makes them very scratch resistant, meaning they should last a lifetime.

This GeekUp set contains 40 tokens to replace the cardboard cacao tokens found in Teotihuacan,:

  • 25, 1-value cacao tokens, sized 25x25mm and 4mm thick
  • 15, 5-value cacao tokens, sized 25x38mm and 4mm thick

Pair this GeekUp bit set with the matching GeekUp storage bag set for Teotihuacan as well!


List Price: $18.00
Price: $15.00