Pulsar 2849 GeekUp Bits (75 pcs)

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"It is the year 2849, and humanity has harnessed the power of the pulsars." And we gamers have harnessed the power of upgraded bits for your favorite games, including Pulsar 2849!

This GeekUp is made from a combination of different plastics: transparent to match the original player pieces for the pulsar claim rings, and ABS plastic to match the standard finish of other GeekUp bits. The graphics are applied via a four-color heat transfer process, which fuses the images to the plastic in a way that makes them very scratch resistant.


  • 12, blue die modifier chips - 23mm squares, 4mm deep
  • 9, maroon die modifier chips - 23mm squares, 4mm deep
  • 30 pulsars (10 in each value) - 30mm diameter circles, 5mm deep
  • 24 pulsar claim rings (6 in each of the four player colors) - 41mm diameter rings, designed to fit around the pulsar bits
Price: $30.00
N/Astock is exact